We had our ultrasound, and we are confirmed to have another boy. I couldn't help but be a little disappointed, but am still very excited. I'm not sure I would know how to handle a little girl. Plus I would feel obligated to try for another girl so she could have a sister. And I already have everything that I need for a boy. We may be done after this one, but still not positive. My husband may not be able to deal with a crazy, grumpy pregnant woman again.
I posted a previous high school senior whose pictures I had done, here is a few more that we did for her. She ended up very happy with them and they turned out great. Thanks for looking.

Angie, I love how you used the wind -normally a killer for a photo shoot- and made it a friend! My favorite is the one of her smiling into the wind. It is more than a picture! It's art!